Alexandria Jaycees
"Empowering Young People to Create Positive Change"

Adopt A Highway
We meet at the intersection County Rd 61 NW & County Rd 22 NW. It is roughly a 3-mile Stretch. Safety vests and garbage bags are provided. Bring your own work gloves if you have them.

Pitch Hit & Run
The JCI organization partners with the MLB to bring our Pitch Hit and Run competition to the community. Kids ages 7-14 are allowed participate. If you score high enough you can move on to State and National level. This event is a fun way to get your kids involved in activities and keep them active.

Spring Into Summer Fest
The Alexandria Jaycees Spring into Summer Festival takes place annually on Memorial Day weekend. We invite the community to enjoy live music, vendors, children's activities, and food, and drink. We also do a bike raffle and a few demonstrations from businesses throughout the community.

Kids Christmas Cookies and Crafts
This event is hosted in December to bring the joy of the holidays to children and families. We have various activities such as cookie decoration, snowman cup building, ornament creation, games, and prizes to win!

Easter Egg My Yard Event
The Alexandria Jaycees participate in an Easter Egg My Yard Event. The event is usually held the day before Easter. We go around the community pretending to be the Easter Bunny and egging people's yards with plastic Easter Eggs. Please watch our Facebook page for more information.

Sandbox Fill
Our annual Sandbox Fill event usually takes place in the month of May. If you need your sandbox filled we would be happy to do it for you! Supplies donated by local businesses include trailers, wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, and water. This event is a really fun way to help the community start summer off with sand and sunshine!

Membership Socials
The Alexandria Jaycees often join together for socials at various locations. We enjoy projects, food, and fun together to strengthen our group's social skills and represent our organization within the community.